The Rules Of Socializing With The Opposite Sex

The Women We Want Vs The Women We Sleep With

How To Claim Your Break-Up

Why Black Women Should Give White Guys A Chance

The Dating Scams We Have All Pulled

 I can totally relate to this. A lot of what I do in my work involves looking at wonderful things and pointing out what really sucks about them. (I’m not doing this to make people cry; I’m doing it so that problems can be fixed before they happen.) But with people, I totally do the opposite. Usually, this is not a problem, and it makes it easy for me to enjoy the company of others. Recently however, I was totally captivated by the intelligence, honesty, and hilariously snarky sense of humor of a very attractive woman who I had known socially for years, and got involved (read: fell totally in love with her). Long story short; I finally learned very painfully what everybody else on the planet already knew: she’s a mean narcissist and a rageaholic who takes no prisoners. In fact, even I already knew that. I was just looking at the positive instead.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think you screwed it up forever.

 Now that I’ve harshed everyone’s weekend, let the stones, bricks, and arrows fly.

 I was gonna throw you a bouquet, dude. That older women article is really good, and I wouldn’t have stumbled on it without you. So, thanks.

 Don’t you just hate it when people use totally in every sentence? Well, it totally gets on my nerves.

 Re: guy I’m seeing- things still might be screwed up, but if so, I hope I at least learn something from the experience.

 What a winner.

 From here forth, I would like for no one to refer to me as a woman. The term is just so outdated, and has been used to (gasp, HORROR) describe females for centuries.

 I think I just developed a girl-crush on you, Wendy…

 God a wish we could post pictures in comments.  I would use this one all the time after reading about people like this.

 God, how insufferable.  I feel really sorry for her wusband.

 Are you kidding? This woman sounds absolutely stupid. I plan on keeping my last name but just for the fact that I LOVE my last name I take pride in it and it flows better than what my last name would be if I took my boyfriends.

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